Monday, November 16, 2009

wow, right?

this year has passed too fast. i dont think i've enjoyed this year enough yet.

u see people talking about high school being the worst years in life.
well, i believe otherwise.

next year, will be my last year with the people i've spent most of my life with. and im gonna separate from them?can u imagine that?
leaving to an unknown place with unfamiliar's scary..

we all talk about meeting one another at one particular spot during one particular time of the future. but what makes u so sure that u'll see all your friends again?

i admit. it is really creepy to try seeing into the future cause we're never really sure what will be ahead of us.
but they say, take life as a surprise. expect the unexpected. live through whatever that life has for us.

anyways, what im trying to say is that i've been pushing myself so hard in all directions that i didnt have that much time for the really important things in my life. my studies, my family and my friends.
even when the exams are over, i still find myself busy and unable to spend time with all of them like i used to.

damn ,the last few years of high school is suppose to be fun. but even in school everyday, i find myself missing all my friends.

i couldnt go to the last two parties, im sorry. i guess it's just that time of the year again where i go emotionally disturbed about separation from you guys.

yes, painful but yet oh-so beautiful

Saturday, November 14, 2009

tumblr me :) 

i've gotten my tumblr!!
made up my mind to keep both. tumblr is whr i mostly express myself in pictures and quotes. here is where i rant and share to the world in words :)
go see go see!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

tell me!

should i get a tumblr and delete this?

or should i have both?

one for rants and one for information perhaps??

what is the difference?

i always end up going on and on about nonsense reality.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

when all u have to do is believe.

i know.cheesy aint it the title??

u're gonna say 'does she really think that it works?just believing?'

lemme tell u, IT DOES!

what do u do first thing in the morning? tell urself that it's gonna be a bad day? u're making yourself believe that it's gonna be a horrible day and you think that u are gonna die trying to pull through it.

no matter what the situation is. be it a beloved's death, a pretty heated argument with your best friend, an unpresentable egg in finals, or a broken leg from football we know that we still have to pull through life.

i dont know what has gotten into me. i know turning sixteen is suppose to mean that i've gotten up a cup size or maybe an awesome new red convertible like brats. I've got only one of those =P I think i've got the wisdom thing going on right now. and im proud of having it, although sometimes it pains my bloody mind that i think like an adult?? But that is what pushes me forward.

Do believe it when i say nothing is there to block us from reaching out to our dreams.
Make yourself believe it.Trust me, you'll never regret this.
We've all get into trouble and mishaps but what is life without them?
How boring can it be when u are happy everyday and there's nothing to challenge u to move forward in life?
And we are suppose to enjoy and appreciate the full spectrum of human emotion.
it's a gift to be able to go through it.
The best feeling is to know that u've overcome your problems and u're brave enough to face the obstacles in life.
If not for the the things that we encounter, would we be able to feel the great relief of returning home and running into the arms of our mothers?
Would we feel the gret comfort of falling into the arms of our loved ones?

It ain't so bad after all right?

Believe that today is gonna be great, tomorrow even better, the future the best.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

all u need is time.

heartbreaks happen all over the world, every second. 
it doesn't take a crowd to hurt someone's heart. 
it just takes distance and silence to bruise them.

here i am, admitting to a scar in my heart. 

im not doing this to show people how terrible i feel.
i just wanna write something that can relate to people.
i feel that it's nice to share experiences with the world because we are one.

it's the time together that u'd miss most
the random messages u get at the most unexpected moments

the sweet talks that can give u the tingling sensation
the smile that parts across the face when u're praised
the feeling that u're loved even when the other person happens to be so far away
the nights that u'd stay up just to see their face
the crazy moments where u'll spill ur 'silliest things done'
the highly excited times where u'll share ur deepest darkest secret
the little things that are done that make u feel like u're the only one on this planet
the cute times when u do nothing but make fun of one another without getting angry because u're just too happy with that person
the times when open up urself to the person about ur past
the nights when u'll trade songs and share fabulous music
the way the other person make u see the world
the comfort u feel in just being urself

the one moment where the other person says 'u got me'

im not gonna deny that i dont miss it.
what can we do bout it now that it has passed?
like said before
'sometimes love comes around, and when it knocks u down 
just get back up when it knocks u down'
i know saying all this is gonna seem like 'woah!easier said than done'
of course it is!

i never said that im not upset. i am.
but how long can a person possibly be upset bout this?
what happened to the other fishes to the sea?
i hate using that cause i dont like being compared to a fish but i think it's the only suitable metaphore here.

thank goodness i have awesome friends around me to help me thru this.
and lucky enough i got a family to love and share magical moments with.

i dare u to accompany me on this path of healing if u'd allow me to hear ur story?
u know u cant do this alone :)
i'd be there for u
because caring for others heals the soul

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

when u're down..

'sometimes love comes around, and when it knocks u down,
just get back up when it knocks u down..'

we choose to cry over our losses, we choose to complain about our luck, we choose to criticize our flaws

we don't take time to realise how fortunate we are.
we see things,mostly material things because we're so intoxicated with the feeling how money can buy happiness.

we got this seriously wrong.

things happen for a reason. if things are meant to be, let it be. Why force it the way u want to be? Haven't u heard of destiny? If that limited edition pair of fabulous knocker heels is not meant to be yours, then there must be another that fits u perfectly. The other pair might not be limited but at least it ends up in ur closet. Life's never fair. Whoever said it is?

no matter how much it hurts us inside, we still have to move on in life. 

i only get to be sixteen once in my life. why ruin it?

we have friends there for us, we have family members who love us. dont let them down.

think about those that are suffering from wars. the children and the innocent wives.. that is seriously unfair for them. 

what have we got compared to them to complain about?