Friday, July 31, 2009

now u feel it.

u say things without thinking twice. u may not mean it but it may hurt others. and now that you've got it back at you, you feel the slight burning sensation in ur heart.


treat others the way u wanna be treated.

call it a fling,whatever.

although i've been pretty loaded with stuff i still have to update my blog.i'll feel bad if i leave it dead.anwyays, i've been going around and hearing problems and stuff bout girl-and-guy relationships.

I am not sexist.

this is purely observations i've made.

1. Guys, if u may feel something for someone, please clear your thoughts properly. Sometimes you may just care for someone like a sibling than a friend. It may not be more than that. However, no harm trying. Just give it a thought first.

2. People, as girls, i'm sure we all want to feel secure and truly loved. So guys, be persistent and patient but girls, please give the guys a rest. When you reject them the first time to test them, they're bruised enough cause they finally got the courage to confess their feelings to you and you push it away like that. If you really like the guy but you just want to test him, dont reject him over and over again. Trust me, you'll regret when he leaves. And when he does, it's not because he doesn't love you anymore but it's because he rather love you from a distance than to get hurt by you day by day.

3. If you think things can work out with the person just get together with him/her. It wouldnt kill to just try. THIS IS NOT A MARRIAGE! there is no eternal commitment here.

4. Guys, if you want to express your feelings to a girl and expect something more than that, ASK her. Just open and ask " Do you want to be my girl?" or something like that. You know, it doesnt mean that when you confess your feelings, the girl automatically knows that you want to be in a relationship with her.Sometimes loving someone doesnt necessarily mean you have to be with the person but in your case, if u want it, THEN ASK FOR IT!

5. If you got a girl, treat her well. It's the most embarrasing thing to do if u make a girl cry. What is with your bloody ego and temper? If your gf happens to be better than you at certain things, be happy for her. Why the hell do u get mad and jealous for? 'like wow! that is love' This is like a sick emotional abuse for the girl if the girl makes effort to achieve something and you get mad at her for making the effort in succeeding.

6. Once it's over, just LET IT BE!! Don't seek revenge. It's so not worth the time and effort. Allow yourself a maximum of one week to sob and down yourself with ice-cream. After that, it's a you without the him/her. IT'S HIGH SCHOOL LIFE! you only get to go through this ONCE!!!

7. besides, i don't see what's so bad being single. =D

Saturday, July 25, 2009


from today onwards, i swear i do not want to be skinny thin.
i wanna keep my stash.
i saw, i stared, my heart pounded with horror.
dancing with absolutely no meat is horrible.
especially when it comes to reggaeton. -_-

Saturday, July 18, 2009

my true love

these are better than boys. they treat you well and they don't throw stupid tantrums at you.they don't find the need to boost their ego cause they are already better than enough.

i love the red BMW.However, it is a concept car. I so want to be a millionaire!

BMW makes me work so much harder.

this is definitely going to be in my list of 'Things to Buy'!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

i'm being driven to craziness.
smash into you.


at the moment, i'm looking for a therapy.

im in need of something that can calm me down when im hyped or when im angry.just something that can clear the usual female mood swings.

I used to clear my mind by shopping.but what can i do? im not rich. can't spend money everyday. 
and spending money that doesn't belong to me or that doesn't come from me is BAD.there's only satisfaction when you know that you've bought something you really like from your own effort.
this habit must be gone,especially when i'm trying to save now.

the other common therapy is by indulging in food. I've had had this therapy before where i gained plenty of weight . =D

somehow this one really works so well, but it's so horrible for the body.
it's like when u eat, the food is all you think about.the world stops there for you to have that food be chewed thoroughly in your mouth.
this is so unfair!

but i dont wanna end up like her.  =(
oh wells, a girl has got to get a little extra sugar in her system once in a while..  =)

p.s.hun, i can't update all the time.i've got to get the mojo.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


getting used to something is like immunity.
being with people that farts constantly, that's immunity.
being with people who snores when they sleep, that's immunity.
being with people who insult you all the time, that's immunity.
being with people who say rude comments about you just cause they are inferior, that's immunity.
even living with my own voice and crazy mood swings, that is immunity.


stop telling yourself what you think you are and look in the mirror.
what you are doing is barf-culous!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Prom Preparation #3


this party is not for spoilers. the dress code says it all.
no bow, no entry.
no entry, no party.

further information to be out soon!


eights days of exams down!!

plans for Rainfest have been cancelled.thanks,Flu! -_-

gonna party and have a good good time.

i'll deal with problems later.looking forward to this busy month.

the part of surviving becomes a challenge after the results are back.

status : game player 

Saturday, July 4, 2009

you don't know me

not knowing what goes on inside of me, 
you can't assume just from what you see.
you should know better
since you're a leader.
i'm making a change,
trying to make things right
but with all that revenge
u just turn things into a fight.


since the beginning of the year, you said that you keep up with the student body's blogs.have a good read with this one.