today is like the fourth day of my job and omg, i'm like so stressed out. The kids bully me like terribly. =( when i raise my voice,they dont even care.They continue throwing erasers at one another and walking around class like I'm not even there.
It's not that they dont like me.It's just that i dont speak so much in Chinese to them when I'm teaching English so they don't really connect with me?I don't know.The main reason for that is cause my Mandarin sucks!
there were a few things today that made me want to remember and laugh like mad though
morning session
ME : Give me a sentence with the preposition 'between'.
BOY 1: Teacher!Teacher!I know! *waves his hands excitedly*
ME: Yes?
BOY 1 : My father was between me.
ME: oh.....?? *and i hush down and laugh like crap in my head*
afternoon session
ME: Continue the sentence : I wish that i can be a...
BOY 2: Lau se (meaning :teacher), I wish that i can be a teddy bear.
ME: Ahhh...!!so cute!!*and i start pinching his cheeks as he slowly blushes*
~This boy is so adorable k!~
ME: Ok, now i want you to write a sentence starting with 'My English Teacher is....'
BOY 2: ok,ok.Teacher, I know.
ME: 'so mok'? (meaning 'what' in chinese)
BOY 2: My Enklish teacher is bery smart and cute.
* heart melted*
BOY 3: My English teacher is crazy!
ME : Yes, you can also write that.
BOY 3: Teacher, how to spell crazy?
Teaching is definitely exhausting but i manage to survive these past few days. Tomorrow,they gonna sit for a test then have fun the whole day!!PLAY TIME!
i think i wanna make them watch a poverty
i can't wait till my Sister's SPM is over,man!!I need to go out like seriously!most of the time i stay home and give her the moral support of me being around.I'm not saying that it sucks.It's good cause i have some Me-time but i wanna so shopping!!go lepak or go do some sports!
luckily i've got dance classes tomoro night.Something to keep me high for the weekends!
wish me luck for tomoro!!i might not sleep tonight =D
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